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Coaching Services and Resources

Improve Effectiveness, Communications, Engagement, and Accountability

Effective Coaching

From Little League players to professional athletes, everyone can benefit from coaching. For business executives, managers, and supervisors, coaching can improve effectiveness, communications, engagement, and accountability.

MRA Coaching Services and Resources

  • Create a Coaching Culture

    Create a Coaching Culture

    Commitment to feedback, candor, and encouragement.

    When people describe a coaching culture, you’ll hear assumptions and values like a commitment to feedback, candor, and encouragement; an intent to develop employees and increase their engagement and accountability; and an expectation of continuous feedback and open communication.

    What does a coaching culture look like?

    • Leaders and staff use a coaching approach in their day-to-day work
    • Leaders look for ways to help people learn
    • Employees are comfortable and skilled at giving and receiving feedback and having open, honest conversations about work
    • Leaders coach employees for development, not just to improve performance
    • Staff ask each other open-ended questions
    • Teams have clear goals, roles, processes, and interactions
    • A focus on delivering results and building the long-term success of the organization

    A coaching culture doesn't suddenly appear. In each organization there are beliefs, policies, and practices that drive culture and, in turn, support—or perhaps undermine—company initiatives like coaching. An organization whose leaders want coaching conversations to be "the way we do things around here" needs to build a foundation through communication patterns, beliefs, policies, and practices.

    Research from the Association for Talent Development (ATD) states that 65% of employees in a strong coaching culture are "highly engaged" and that organizations with strong coaching cultures have higher employee engagement and report higher revenues than their peer organizations.
    Lisa Downs
    Why You Need a Coaching Culture, 12/7/17, ATD
    • MRA’s Organization Development team will work with your leaders to implement your action plan for creating a coaching culture
    • MRA's Resources provides articles, best practices, and tools
    • MRA’s HR Hotline
  • Executive and Leadership Coaching

    Executive and Leadership Coaching

    High performance organizations use coaching to elevate productivity. Coaching is no longer seen as merely a tool for fixing behavior but as a proactive, development solution.

    A study by the Human Capital Institute and Lee Hecht Harrison found that nearly 60 percent of respondents reported that their executives meet with an external coach or consultant on an as-needed basis. Additionally, 32 percent report that coaching is not limited to senior executives. Coaching helps your organization prepare high-potential employees for future positions, accelerate a new leader’s transition, and build leader's awareness of strengths and weaknesses.

    MRA Coaching features a powerful, structured, one-on-one proven approach designed for managers, leaders, and individual contributors at all organizational levels.

    How Does It Work?

    • Our coach meets with your stakeholders to understand overall goals and desired outcomes.

      Successful coaching outcomes start with establishing a strong partnership between the coach, leader to be coached, and his/her manager to ensure the leader’s development goals are aligned with the organization’s goals.

    • Coach and leader identify strengths, challenges, and areas for development.

      This step may include assessments and other tools to identify needs and to better understand priorities and appropriate strategies for reaching the coaching objectives. Feedback from the leader’s manager makes sure the coaching goals are on target.

    • Coach and leader implement a development plan.

      After development needs are identified and clearly stated, the focus is on action plans, short-term measurable targets, and both internal and external accountability. Periodic check-ins with the leader’s manager keep the partnership strong and on track.

    Are Coaching Services Right for My Organization?

    Based on an understanding of your organizations' needs, we prepare a proposal outlining the specific actions and expected results of the coaching process.

    Scope of Services:

    We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed for leaders at all organizational levels.

    • Individual coaching to maximize C-suite executive effectiveness.
    • Individual manager coaching to improve leadership abilities and overcome career-stopping hurdles.
    • Coaching, training, and development services to build an organization-wide coaching culture.
    • Team coaching to improve the dynamics of leadership team.
    • Coaching certificate programs to prepare internal staff to coach.
    • Customized workshops conducted at your location to train leaders to provide developmental coaching for employees.

    Coaches' Credentials:

    MRA's coaching professionals have strong business backgrounds and extensive experience in results-focused coaching. MRA coaches provide practical advice to achieve a measurable return on investment. Our coaches have completed MRA's Coaching Certificate to ensure consistency between coaches and quality throughout the process. We select a coach to fit well with your organization’s culture and the leader’s style and personality. We tailor all coaching to satisfy both individual and organizational desired outcomes.

  • Team Dynamics and Coaching

    Team Dynamics and Team Coaching

    Collaboration. Cohesiveness. Communication.

    They make the difference between a true team and a group of individuals simply working side by side. Successful teams require solid structure and organization, superior communication skills, and sound problem-solving practices.

    Building Top-Notch Teams

    Achieve top-notch teams. Whether your needs call for creating a foundation and culture for successful teams, increasing collaboration, developing team leaders, or fine-tuning existing team efforts, we’re your one-stop resource.

    Team Coaching and Development

    We deliver team coaching and development services virtually, at our MRA location, or on-site anywhere in the U.S. Our experts work with you to ensure targeted facilitation and services that fit your needs.

    • Team coaching
    • Senior Leadership Team development and planning
    • Assessment of team effectiveness along with design and implementation of action plans
    • Team building activities
    • Targeted meeting planning and facilitation

    Partner with MRA and discover what teamwork is all about.

  • Internal Coaches Training

    Internal Coaches Training

    MRA’s Coaching Certificate is a two-day training program designed to build a coach’s skills.

    Coaching is an intensive one-on-one professional relationship structured to improve the performance of the individual being coached. With the support of a coach, business executives, managers, and supervisors improve their effectiveness, communications, engagement, and accountability with staff. The Coaching Certificate develops advanced coaching skills you'll use to coach your organization's leaders, develop high potentials, and prepare future leaders to meet your business objectives. In this highly interactive, two-day program you'll learn about coaching competencies and best practices, practice your coaching skills, use case studies, and apply the coaching process to real opportunities in your organization.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Demonstrate the coaching model with managers and senior leaders.
    • Discuss coaching best practices.
    • Create and use development plans in coaching.
    • Develop strategies to handle difficult coaching challenges.
    • Integrate the coachee and coachee's manager with the organization's culture, systems, and business strategies to create a successful coaching engagement.
    • Discuss how to use assessments in determining coachee development needs.
    • Use metrics for tracking coaching results.
    • Discuss components of a coaching culture.

    Who Should Attend:

    HR, OD, training, and other key business or operational leaders charged with the responsibility of developing talent. The program is for individuals who coach managers and senior leaders throughout the organization and for those who want to focus on integrating coaching into an overall leadership development strategy.

  • Managers Coaching Skills
  • Make Learning Stick

    Make Learning Stick

    MRA’s Coaching Guides are designed to provide you, the manager/coach, with information and tools to ensure your team members get the full benefit of the training class. This involves preparation and engaging with the training participant before, during, and after the class to maximize the learning transfer and the return on your investment.

    Before Training
    Familiarize yourself on the upcoming session and have a meeting with the participant (3) days prior to the class to discuss what they’ll learn.

    During Training
    Make sure participants are not distracted during the training with workplace obligations and responsibilities that could interrupt the training classes, which can become even more crucial when attending Live Online training.

    After Training
    Schedule a post-training conversation to discuss key takeaways and how newly acquired skills and knowledge can be applied to the job. Have ongoing conversations about using the skills and measure progress and results. MRA offers post-training coaching services to help participants apply to their job what they learned in the training program to their job. Training provides the rationale, knowledge, and inspiration to change. Post-training coaching provides real-life application help and accountability over the weeks or months following the event.

    Coaching Guides Available
    Frontline Leadership Certificate Series
    Principles of Leadership Excellence Certificate Series

    The guide includes coaching suggestions, such as "What is your conflict management style" and "What active listening skills are challenging for you?" The questions coincide with each session so you as the manager/coach can reinforce the training with your team members.

    Coaching Guide Brief Video

    Scheduled/Public Training Guides at MRA or a Host Location

    • $75 per guide
    • Includes a brief video link for managers to help them understand and maximize effectiveness of the Coaching Guides.
    • To order for public training, contact MRA Registrations at or 262.696.3319.

    Onsite Training Guides at Your Location

    • $350 for each day the onsite takes place
    • Includes one Coaching Guide per participant
    • Includes in-person session for managers to help them understand and maximize effectiveness of the Coaching Guide.
    • To order for onsite training, please mention the Guides when scheduling an onsite with your MRA Member Relations Representative.
    The Coaching Guide was great and helped guide the discussion between myself and the emerging leader. The conversations I had with the participants helped them with their career goals and provided them an opportunity to grow.
    Froedtert Health
Coaching Certificate header image
Coaching Certificate
Talent Management
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Client Meeting In-Person
Coaching for Development: Integrated Approach for Managers
Talent Management
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Performance Conversations and Coaching Skills
Performance Management
Talent Management
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