Jane Giacobassi

Jane Giacobassi

Organization Development Director
Organization Development
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”

Jane easily builds relationships at all levels within organizations through her collaborative style and strengths-focused approach. She enjoys recognizing and cultivating potential in each person and organization, while supporting them to develop and achieve strategic goals. Jane seeks opportunities that allow her to add value to member organizations and finds the most satisfaction in knowing she has made a difference.


Jane specializes in partnering with nonprofit, private, and public sector organizations. She has been an effective HR and organization development (OD) leader, both internally and as an external advisor. Her areas of expertise include coaching managers and executives; partnering with members to develop performance management programs, identify top talent, and implement employee engagement and other talent initiatives; guiding organizations through employee relations issues; and conducting needs assessments and gap analyses. Jane is a member of MRA’s Coaching Team. She earned a Professional Certification in Organization Development from the University of St. Thomas and an Executive Coach Certificate through MRA. She is certified as a SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP).

Key Accomplishments

  • Contributed as a member of executive teams to design HR initiatives that align with and support employee engagement and strategic growth.
  • Partnered with organizations to develop successful talent management and professional development programs.
  • Facilitated cultural awareness and competency training in numerous organizations.
  • Established HR and OD functions in nonprofit and for-profit organizations; hired and trained staff to lead and manage those functions.


Jane holds a master’s degree in human resource development from the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, and a bachelor’s degree in English and education from Hope College, Holland, MI.

Professional and Community Activities

  • Participates as a member of the Minnesota Organization Development Network, the Society for Human Resources Management, and the Twin Cities Human Resources Association.
  • Serves as a mentor to other HR professionals.
  • Volunteers with nonprofit organization.