The Value in Employee Value Propositions

Workplace Weekly
Organization Development
Recruiting & Hiring
Strategic Planning

What do you tell employment candidates to make them choose your company over another? An employee value proposition, aka EVP, is that one thing you tell candidates to get them hooked. It is your branding and can make the difference between long fill rates and attracting great candidates quickly.

In order for an EVP to be a valuable recruiting and retention tool, it needs to be sincere. It should accurately reflect what your company stands for, but it should also be corroborated by those who currently work for you. So, to create the perfect EVP, ask your employees what they say when people ask them what it’s like to work for your company. What stands out to make you a great place to show up every day, not just physically, but also what engages them? THAT is what should be included in your EVP.

When used effectively, this tool has proven to increase job satisfaction for new hires, has helped land candidates who were on the fence about which job to take, and has helped recruits understand what they can expect after saying “yes” to an offer. MRA Recruiting Business Partners Samantha Van Rens and Gary Jensen have seen the results of this, firsthand. Each have different examples of how an EVP has benefitted employers they have worked with.

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Samantha Van Rens

Samantha, or Sam as her clients know her, was in the staffing world prior to joining MRA. One thing she noticed quickly is that the fastest way to peak interest in a job is to focus on what candidates want. If you are able to determine that and match it to a job, you will be successful; however, if you cannot provide what a candidate is looking for, be honest and move on. The candidate will appreciate your honesty and you can resume your search to find a more suitable match.

Each company will have something different to offer recruits. It isn’t about trying to do what everyone else is doing but focusing on what you do well. For example, one company Sam works with not only survived the challenges of the COVID-19 epidemic, it successfully grew its business locally and globally. When talking to candidates, she uses that as a selling point.

They have created a secure work environment when many others in their industry were laying off people or closing doors. Not only does this provide job security, it opens the door to other opportunities within the company as it continues to grow. They have been able to expand by adding additional facilities and focusing on different opportunities to make working for them more inviting and engaging. They not only offer career opportunities, but opportunities for community involvement and ways to network with peers during fun-Friday activities, holiday festivities, and celebrating local successes, such as the Bucks reaching the play-offs and becoming champions.

Not every detail is included in each conversation, but Sam has been able to incorporate this into the company’s EVP with the universal message of job security, continued growth and opportunity, and community involvement. This, in turn, has attracted like-minded applicants who are looking for opportunities to grow their career and be involved in making the community better for those living there.

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Gary Jensen

Gary also worked in staffing prior to joining MRA and also has experience with military recruiting processes. Although they are very different experiences, they both share a common theme. Gary has realized that the companies finding the most success with recruiting and retention get to know their employees and try to find ways to respond to requests or find a compromise, thus gaining loyalty and increasing the employees’ level of engagement and commitment.

It doesn’t need to be the same for each employer, but employers that listen to employees and make changes that make sense earn a great reputation. I’ve worked with companies that offer a variety of events to make sure all areas of interest are included. The focus isn’t just on major sporting events, but also includes things such as paint balling, casino night, or other team building events. Other companies work hard to find solutions for things that wouldn’t normally work. Rather than disciplining employees for wearing ear buds in production areas, one company found a compromise by allowing them to wear one ear bud so necessary noise can still be heard.

These companies focus on transparency and treating employees with respect. Employees talk and if great employees say good things about how they are treated, they will spark the interest of friends and family during conversations. The best candidates may not be looking for jobs right now, but employee testimonials may make them interested enough to apply. Gary has been able to combine these testimonials with asking the right questions to make offers more quickly to win the best candidates.

Successful EVPs bring great rewards for employers

  1. New recruits see consistency in what is said by the company and how things really operate.
  2. The recruits you really want to attract will be attracted to you.
  3. EVPs serve as branding for your company and help recruiters share your story with candidates who want to know more about your company.

For more information on creating an employee value proposition for your company, or on how MRA’s recruiting team can help with your strategy, contact our Recruiting Business Partners by submitting a request or calling 800.488.4845.