Jessica Coleman

Jessica Coleman

Talent Development Consultant
Learning & Development
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams

Jessica believes in the power of lifelong learning, both as an adjunct professor in the classroom and as a talent development consultant at MRA. Her passion is working with people to help them better understand themselves and gain insight into how they can utilize their strengths. Her goal at MRA is helping members see how they can apply what they are learning and use it in their day-to-day to be better personally and professionally. At MRA, she hopes everyone that she works with walks away realizing their own leadership potential.


Jessica has spent over 15 years as a trainer and developmental consultant, working for both large Fortune 500 companies to smaller organizations to help them identify their training needs, deliver training modules, and provide ongoing developmental opportunities. Her expertise is primarily in management and employee development. She has also worked with organizations to coach employees and leaders as well as support those individuals who have been downsized or are in the process of a career transition. As an adjunct instructor, working in Communications, Jessica has taught a number of courses from Human Communication to Leadership Communication and everything in-between. She works with traditional college students and high school College Credit Plus, as well as teaching in corrections education to incarcerated individuals.

Key Accomplishments

  • Certification in Adult Education and Organizational Consulting
  • MBTI and DiSC certified
  • Curriculum designer for Concordia University’s MBA program course in Employee Training, Development and Retention
  • Presenter for Online Education and Correctional Education for The Ohio Communication Association


  • Master of Arts in organizational and professional communication development, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
  • Bachelor of Arts in communication studies with a minor in psychology, Asbury College, Wilmore, KY

Professional and Community Activities

Jessica has partnered with WARM (Westerville Area Resource Ministry) to help with food drives and the local food pantry. She is a member of the STEM advisory committee for Tree of Life Christian Schools. She also is a regular donor for the Red Cross.