Dana Vogelmeir

Dana Vogelmeier

Senior Instructional Designer
Learning & Development
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou

Dana believes great leaders make all of the difference in the employee experience. She has been fortunate to have worked for some great leaders in a Fortune 50 company for more than 30 years prior to joining MRA. She learned from some of the best how to connect with people and create an amazing team experience.


Dana brings expertise in leading leaders and building great leadership development programs. She was a leader of multiple types of teams for 25 years. Her expertise in creating a great team experience led her to develop other leaders and model the appropriate interactions with team members.

Key Accomplishments

  • Led an employee engagement experience with one division to improve their engagement scores by 30%
  • Created multiple leadership development programs
  • Led teams ranging from eight to indirectly leading 400+
  • Led a pilot program for after-hours service that went company-wide


  • Franklin University, MBA, Columbus, Ohio
  • Franklin University, BS, Columbus, Ohio
  • Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD), Columbus, Ohio

Publications and Presentations

  • DisruptHR Presenter 2021, Columbus, Ohio – “The New Workplace Atmosphere: What’s important to workers now?”
  • TedX Normal, 2017, Normal, Illinois – “Change the World by Loving Your Work”
  • Author: “The Workplace Atmosphere: Transforming the Work Environment from Dismal to Desired”

Professional and Community Activities

  • President, Columbus Rotary Club, 2022-2023
  • President, Central Ohio Association of Talent Development, 2020
  • District Trainer – Rotary District 6690, 2020-2021