Joe Feest

Joseph C. Feest

Learning & Development Instructor
Learning & Development
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
William Arthur Ward

Joe's extensive background in leadership and management has led to the development of his specialty—helping organizations be effective while investing in the lives of people within those organizations. Participants in Joe's programs consistently give him excellent ratings as an enthusiastic and dynamic instructor. Interviews on Milwaukee Public Radio (WUWM) and have highlighted his expertise.


Joe's skills have been honed by almost 15 years in restaurant management, more than five years in human services management, and his work at MRA's Institute of Management since 2001. His experience includes operations management, strategic planning, training, fundraising, and customer service. Joe's training philosophy is the key to his success. “For training to be effective, I must combine the objectives of the program with the needs of the participants so they get maximum value. My goal is to make the principles and techniques learned in the classroom transferable back to each participant's ‘real world.’ I do this by building upon—or challenging—the experience of the participants.”

Key Accomplishments

  • Served as project manager for MRA's Group Leadership webinar series.
  • Designed, codesigned, and revamped many of MRA's programs including Management Drivers of Employee Engagement, Presentation Skills, and Time Management.
  • Trained all management staff in newly launched Performance Management Systems for various members, as part of MRA's performance management services team.
  • Respected keynote speak in high demand.


Joe holds a bachelor's degree in biblical and theological studies from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois.

Professional and Community Activities

Joe has served on boards of directors for nonprofit organizations and is an ordained minister.

See Joe in action

View a biography and in-class video of Joe.
View a brief instructor video of Joe.