Janet Stoffer

Janet Stoffer

Learning & Development Instructor
Learning & Development


The basic building block of good communications is the feeling that every human being is unique and of value."

Janet’s clear goal in every program she teaches is that participants leave with a solid plan to work on whatever challenges brought them to her. She’s skilled at drawing people out, and her classes are very interactive and individualized. As Janet explains it, “Everyone’s personal experiences–good and bad–in the workplace become the framework we use for everything we learn. I take theory and make it practical.”


Jan’s gift for helping others “connect the dots,” plus a long career as a successful entrepreneur, make her a tremendously effective instructor. She draws from experience that started at an early age--working in her family’s successful business and taking on her first supervisory role the day after high school graduation. She continued her career as co-founder of a successful electronics firm (later acquired by a Fortune 500 company) and an audiovisual production company. Even today, in addition to her MRA work, she owns and operates a small business.

Key Accomplishments

  • Expanded MRA’s presentation skills coaching and course offerings to help groom employees to take on more visible and credible communication roles–both internally and externally.
  • Skilled in equipping new managers with the tools they need to fully engage and motivate direct reports through leadership and management training.
  • Focused instructor with special emphasis on motivating employees to higher levels of performance and helping organizations hire and coach employees for cultural fit.
  • Improved work environments and decreased legal risk through anger and conflict management program targeted at employees with established attitude problems.


Jan attended the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. She is also a GE Global Learning Certified Presentation Skills Instructor.

See Jan in action

View a short instructor biography and in-class video of Jan.