2024 Turnover Survey Executive Summary


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Over the last couple of years, the labor market has been constantly in flux. Trends come and go, technologies evolve, and the workforce becomes increasingly dynamic. Understanding the significant impact turnover can have on an organization is vital to preventing future problems. Employee departures can create ripples that disrupt workflow and productivity, whether voluntary or involuntary. When an employee leaves, they can take with them valuable knowledge, skills, and relationships. This loss can often be felt across departments, impacting project timelines and team dynamics.

While some degree of turnover is inevitable, excessive turnover can cause harm to an organization. It can lead to decreased morale among remaining employees, a loss of institutional knowledge, and increased recruitment costs. With the current competitive market, organizations need to work harder than ever to attract and retain top talent.

Employees are more likely to leave if they feel their needs are not being met or if they see better prospects elsewhere. Organizations are responsible for recognizing the signs of turnover and taking proactive steps to address them. By closely monitoring various turnover trends and identifying potential issues, organizations can take the necessary steps to address underlying concerns before they escalate. This might involve conducting exit interviews to understand why employees leave in the first place or implementing programs to promote employee engagement.

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