Cookie Policy Banner

MRA's Cookie Policy

Last Updated: 2024

  • We Use Cookies

    We Use Cookies

    This MRA Cookie Policy (“Policy”) outlines the general policy, practices, and types of cookies that MRA - The Management Association may use to improve our Services and your experience when visiting our Websites. For the purposes of this Policy, capitalized terms used but not defined in this Policy have the meanings given in our Privacy Policy.

    Our Websites and Services use cookies and other similar technologies (collectively in this Policy, "cookies"), in order to provide a better service to you, to help keep your account safe, and to generally improve our Websites and Services. Cookies perform essential functions, such as ensuring webpages load correctly and securely. They also help us provide you with a consistent and efficient experience. For example, we may use cookies to remember that you are a repeat visitor so we can direct you to the appropriate part of our Websites, present you with services that are matched to your preferences, etc.

    Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers. They are used by many websites to store and receive identifiers and other information on devices, such as a handheld phone or computer. You can learn more about cookies and their functions generally by visiting an information website such as

    We use three categories of cookies: Strictly Necessary, Performance, and Targeting, each of which is described below. Some of these cookies are temporary and deleted as soon as you close your browser. These are known as "session cookies." Other cookies are stored on your computer or device until they expire or you remove them. These are known as "persistent cookies."

    Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default, however, you may be able to delete cookies yourself through your browser’s cookie manager. To do so, please follow the instructions provided by your web browser. Please note that disabling cookies will reset your session, disable auto-login, and may adversely affect the availability and functionality of our Websites and the Services we can provide to you.

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies

    Strictly Necessary Cookies

    These cookies are necessary for our website to function and cannot be turned off or disabled. These cookies are usually only set in response to specific actions you take on our Websites. For example, these cookies may be used to remember your selections or information you have entered when you navigate to different pages when visiting the Websites.

  • Performance Cookies

    Performance Cookies

    Performance cookies help us learn how you use our Websites to help improve performance and design. These cookies provide us with aggregated statistical information such as the number of page visits, page load speeds, how long a user spends on a particular page, and the types of browsers or devices used to access our Websites. For example, we may use cookies to understand which pages you browsed before submitting a contact us form. You may opt-out of these cookies through the links listed below.

    Some of the Performance cookies we use are:

  • Targeting Cookies

    Targeting Cookies

    These third-party cookies are placed by third-party advertising platforms or networks to collect information about your visits to and actions on certain pages of our Websites so that they can deliver ads for relevant MRA products and services to you later, such as when you are on certain third-party sites. These cookies also track ad performance.

    So you are aware, we permit third parties to collect personal information as described in our Privacy Policy for the business purposes described in the policy.

    You may opt-out of Targeting cookies through the links listed below. Some of the Targeting cookies we use are:

  • Contact Us

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions, concerns, complaints, or suggestions regarding our Cookie Policy, or otherwise need to contact us, please use the Contact Us feature on our website, call us at 800.488.4845, email us at, or contact us by US postal mail at the following address:

    MRA - The Management Association
    N19W24350 Riverwood Drive
    Waukesha, WI 53188