Debbie Rich

Debbie Rich

Lead, Affirmative Action Services
Affirmative Action
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Debbie has a passion for affirmative action programs! She enjoys preparing, developing, supporting, and educating employers who are required to have an affirmative action program (AAP) as well as deciphering the government’s requests during an audit.


From Debbie’s viewpoint, an affirmative action plan is a living document and, ultimately, a road map to help drive your company’s effective outreach and recruitment efforts to create a culture of diversity and inclusion within your workforce. Her years of experience and knowledge have allowed her to assist various organizations integrate best practices within the organizations’ culture. Debbie is your dedicated affirmative action resource for your AAP needs. She advises on AAP requirements, implementation of your AAP, and staying compliant throughout the year by recommending diverse recruiting strategies and effective AAP results communication.


Debbie earned a bachelor of science degree with a management emphasis in human resources, and a minor in psychology, from Northern Illinois University.

Professional and Community Activities

  • Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) Member, National and Local Chapter
  • Church's Media Team Coordinator Volunteer
  • School Volunteer