Christine Chatman

Christine Chatman

Member Relations Advisor
Member Relations
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou

Growing up, my parents emphasized following the golden rule, treat others how you would like to be treated; as I continue stressing this value to my own children, I can see many positive outcomes.


My job is diverse, but one aspect stays consistent, supporting members, visitors, and employees. I thrive on helping others be successful in their day. Whether it is process improvement, room rentals, explaining/teaching, administrative tasks, training support, or a smile, I am happy to help!

I am a people person at heart and have expertise in learning theory, classroom instruction, leadership, and human resources. I apply my expertise in these areas to ensure that users of our conference center have an exceptional experience.

Key Accomplishments

  • First ever to earn childcare center accreditation with the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
  • Served as project manager for the Minnesota Division classroom upgrade project.


Christine earned a bachelor of science degree in physical education (K-12) from St. Cloud State University. She holds an Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR) designation.

Professional and Community Activities

Christine is a youth sports volunteer with the YMCA and a youth tournament volunteer with Fundamentally Sound Athletics.